Chapter 1 : The Rajvansh

Author pov

Everyone was happy and excited except none other than reyansh

Reyansh mother Shreya rajvansh order all the servants to make sure there is no mistake in today's after party

As reyansh doesn't love any kind of mis perfection in anything

Rudra rajvansh was proud of his son for making their company no 1 richest company in india

He felt that his son has finally moved on but if he knows.

Everyone was getting ready for the today's award ceremony and after party soon everyone got ready and reached down stairs for the ceremony.

Reyansh pov -

Promise me you will never leave me like my first love ?

She smiled looking at me gave me a small peck on my lips " Even if it takes my life away no one separates me from you"

ruhanika said looking at me

Her smile ,her smooth long silky hairs her innocence was all turn on for me I was living in heaven.

Suddenly I felt someone on my chest,and my dream got end by my daughter dad dad wake up today we have party .

Again it was my dream again I miss her , her smell , her smile , all got shattered.

I opened my eyes just to see my cute little seven year daughter getting all hyped

She said dad you know I am very happy for you I said everyone in my school that my dad is my inspiration

I chuckled at her antics but I felt proud for myself

Soon someone entered in my room whom I least wanna see in my life

Nikita the mother of my daughter

She came with that fake smile

" good morning rey "

That's it , I glared at her hard that made her shiver

No one fucking no one can call me expect ruhanika

I got up and asked my daughter hanvita to go get ready for breakfast

And faced the sweet mother of my daughter

Don't fucking try to test my control,I am tolerating you for my hanvita.

I said in my cold and dark voice, my sweetness and soft side is only reserved for my hanvita and ruhanika

Soon I had my breakfast with my family and everyone was happy I was happy for them

I got up having my breakfast but it was interpreted by my dad

Beta you should get married

how long are you going to be single

I ignored this as the daily rituals for my family

Yes I am not married to Nikita she is here for the sake of my child i already warned her to stay away from me but for hanvita I have to tolerate her

Soon I was busy in my office as I entered everyone got scared and halted bowing there head down

I went straight to my floor and finished my work as I have my award ceremony

This is not something new to me as I have always been awarded

I ordered my assistant to finish work

I moved down looking at 10 cars parked lined up filled with my security purpose

I went home and was engulfed In a tight hug by none other than my daughter

She was looking gorgeous in white frok soon I got ready and we all headed towards our destination

I got up and went to my room to get ready

Author pov

everyone reached to the hall were the award ceremony was about to take

Everyone was Caught by paparazzi why not the king of Rajasthan the most eligible bachelor the Greek god the richest man has arrived

As Reyansh is not married to Nikita the information about his daughter and Nikita is confidential for the world he doesn't want any danger on his daughter

As usual with cold and with his ruthless aura everyone got Shivered

They all are very know by the power and strength he hold

Reyansh graced the hall with his presence which caught everyones attention

They all entered the hall ignoring the pap

The centre of attention was shifted to rajvansh family

Soon everyone got engaged on there business

Reyansh was busy talking to his clients

His parents were busy socializing

His daughter and his brother and sister were busy devoting food

While Reyansh noticed his most trusted client Mr Anurag he walked towards him and approached him

They both shared a warm hugs and greeting

Reyansh was about to discuss further more and was interpreted by Mr Anurag

"I am sorry reyansh I don't think we can work further together"

This new piece of information shocked Reyansh but he maintained his calmness and asked for the reason for his decision

Soon hearing this the attention of most the people was diverted towards them even all the rajvansh as they now how much important Mr Anurag is for them

Mr Anurag said" from now onwards me and my company will  now be   working with Zinac company and .co"

Now this new piece of information got every one settled because everyone nows this is not just a simple company

But a company that holds power that can destroy everyone present over her in one snap which can destroy the whole industry and can control whole india

But no one knows who is the person behind the company as it is kept confidential which scares the most to everyone

Even the great reyansh Singh Rajvansh is horrified by the power they hold

Hearing this Reyansh know that arguing after this will make him lose everything to go against them so he just said no problem with warm smile

But  that doesn't stop reyansh

Everyone shifted there attention from rajvansh to Mr Anurag as he the most important thing in the world to gain more information about the person behind the company

Soon the award ceremony ended and rajvansh were happy but not much after the conversation with Mr Anurag

Soon everyone bid good night and went towards room but reyansh was tense about the company which going to step in there industry which can vanish them

He called his brothers prajyot and vidyut both understand what is the problem

Reyansh said " dig every single information of the company zinac we are going to either work with them or compete with them "

If he would know after this his life is going to take a 360° turn .Thank you guys for giving me a chance to my book

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Writer, writes about how passionate I am for my imagination